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"Revolving World"

Our world is never ending. It feels like it just speeds up, rather than slowing down. This morning while listening to a podcast-this phrase was mentioned.

"The world is never going to stop, so you have to stop."

That statement really struck me that it is up to you and me to slow down and smell the roses, especially with our children. Life is going in all different directions, so we must as parents intentionally insert down times to just be. For example: set aside a time each day to just lie on bean bags and look at books. Or take 30 minutes to go for a walk as a family or plan a picnic outside. The world will control us if we allow it, therefore we must control our world and make room for simple pleasures. They likely won't just happen, but we can make them happen with some forethought. As we shape our children, they will shape their children and so on and so on ...

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