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Parent/Child Connections

We all know parenting is a skill we continue to hone and sharpen. One idea we must keep in mind is these children we are nurturing will one day be tweens, teens, and adults. It is the connections we build now in these preschool years that will make a difference for our future connection. Now is the time to build those bridges that make sure our connection lasts. Spending quality time with your child now prepares the future relationship for one of health, openness, and security. Your tween and teen must know they have a parent who loves them unconditionally no matter what they do, but that is established now in the day to day interactions. Even the way we handle our failures now with our children sets the stage for tomorrows. Admitting when you are wrong, blew it, or lost your temper is important to confess now, once again to build those bridges of honesty and let them know you are human and make mistakes just like them.

Parenting is not for the weak of heart and the good news is it does not have to be done alone. There are supports all around you. You can also reach out to God and ask for guidance and strength to face the task before you every day.

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